Job advertisements and portals

Job advertisements and having a presence on suitable job portals are among the most efficient and effective recruiting methods. We place our focus on posting online job advertisements. We know the market and we benefit from partnerships and experience that we have acquired over decades.

With our in-house research and development specialists, we can distinguish between hypes and trends. Through working with big data, we know which channels, platforms, and media are the right ones for your vacancy.

Online ads

We also develop technology solutions in-house to optimally manage the entire process surrounding your published job advertisements from time, cost, and benefit perspectives.

To do this, we work with around 1,100 online job portals at both the national and international levels. These include Google for Jobs, indeed, LinkedIn, Jobware, meinestadt, Monster, regio-jobanzeiger,, StepStone, yourfirm, XING, and many more.

Print ads

In addition to online job ads, we also support our customers with placing print ads to fill job vacancies. We work with around 1,500 national and international print media to get the job done.

Whether for daily and weekly newspapers, industry publications, or regional advertising journals: We design your job ads in line with your corporate identity (CI) all the way to the final camera-ready copy. Through our regional locations, we have excellent networks in your region as well and can filter out the right media for you.

Active sourcing

We support you with targeted active sourcing measures in recruiting so you can quickly fill your vacant positions with qualified, suitable employees.

For this service, we collaborate with various active sourcing specialists.

At the KÖNIGSTEINER AGENCY, we have set ourselves the goal of highly customizing our consulting for clients based on position, responsibilities, regional factors, degree of company brand recognition, etc. – across this entire spectrum.

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